Get Fast Repairs Done Right At Wieland's Auto Repair
From manual to automatic transmission repair, Wieland's Auto Repair knows how to fix any problem. First, our knowledgeable auto repair experts will diagnose any transmission problems. Next, we help you decide the best course of action. Finally, you can rest assured when you leave the repair to us!
To learn more about our transmission services call or come by any of our Northwest Ohio area locations.
Our competitively priced transmission services include:Automatic Transmission
Automatic Transmissions shift between gears automatically to optimize driving, and changes gears based on the driver's throttle pedal, vehicle speed, engine speed, and vehicle load. Typical automatic transmissions have 4-5 forward gear ratios, a Reverse, Park, and Neutral gear. Shifting gears occur automatically once the car is in Drive and there is no need for a clutch pedal or gear shift like there is in a Manual Transmission. Automatic transmission repair is complicated based on all the components that make it up, and you need to have any automatic transmission issues properly assessed by auto mechanics. Call Wieland's Auto Repair to talk to our mechanics about your transmission problems.
There are clutches in both automatic and manual transmission cars, and different types of clutches. When shifting gears, the clutch engages and disengages from the flywheel and transfers the torque through the transmission. Clutches should help your vehicle start and shift gears smoothly. The clutch in your car receives a lot of wear and can eventually wear out. If your clutch begins slipping irregularly or is making noises that are raising suspicion, contact Wieland's Auto Repair to see if clutch replacement is necessary.
Four-Wheel Drive Transmission
A four-wheel (4x4) drive vehicle has differential gears, both front and rear axles, and a transfer case attached to the transmission. Four-wheel drive vehicles demand maintenance on the transfer case, front differentials, rear differentials, and transmission fluids. Visit us in Northwest Ohio for service on your four-wheel drive transmission services.
Front-Wheel Drive Transmission
If your vehicle has Front-wheel drive, the engine drives the front wheels only. The power is routed through the transmission to the final drive where it is split and sent to the two front wheels through the drive axles. The engine, transmission, and additional hardware is all located in the front of the car. If you are in need, Wieland's Auto Repair in Northwest Ohio will gladly repair front-wheel drive transmission vehicles.
Manual Transmission
Driving a vehicle with a Manual Transmission requires using the clutch pedal and gear shift to manually shift gears based on the speed of the vehicle. Manual transmissions have been built with anywhere from two to eight gears. Front-wheel drive and rear-wheel drive are the two main configurations for manual transmissions. Typically, manual transmissions require less maintenance then automatic transmissions. At Wieland's Auto Repair, our auto mechanics can diagnose your vehicle and then recommend the transmission repair or transmission service you need to ensure safety and improve the lifetime of your vehicle.
Transmission Repair FAQs
How long does a transmission take to repair?
The duration of a transmission repair can vary based on several factors. Simple repairs, like fixing a minor leak or replacing a sensor, can often be completed within a day or even a few hours. However, for more complex issues such as a complete transmission rebuild or replacement, it may take several days to a week or more.
What happens during transmission repair?
It often involves the removal of old transmission fluid and its replacement with fresh fluid. Common repairs may include fixing damaged gears, replacing worn-out seals, repairing or replacing the torque converter, or addressing electronic control module issues.
How often do transmissions need to be replaced?
Transmissions are designed to be durable and can last a long time with proper maintenance and care. If you drive a car with an automatic transmission you need to change your transmission fluid every 60,000 to 100,000 miles. In the case of a manual transmission, it's recommended that the transmission fluid be changed every 30,000 to 60,000 miles. The actual lifespan can vary depending on factors such as the vehicle's make and model, driving habits, maintenance routines, and environmental conditions.